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Transparent Image overlay(Alpha blending) with OpenCV and Python

(a)Final Blended Image

                    (b) Background Image                             (c)Foreground Image                              

Alpha blending

Alpha blending is the process of overlaying a foreground image with transparency over a background Image. The transparent image is generally a PNG image.It consists of four channels (RGBA).The fourth channel is the alpha channel which holds the transparency magnitude.
Image (b) is a background image and image (c) is the foreground / overlay image.
Image (a) is the final blended image obtained by blending  the overalay image using the alpha mask. 
Below is the image(Fig d) of the alpha channel of the overlay  image.

(d).Alpha Channel

At every pixel of the image, we blend the background and foreground image color(F) and background color (B) using the alpha mask. At every pixel value of alpha lie in range(0,255), a pixel intensity of 0 means black color and pixel instensity of 255 means white color. On the edge of the mask pixel intensity lies in the range of 0 to 255.This creates smooth blending on the edges.

The blending is done using the following equation.

If: alpha =1: output pixel color is foreground. 
elif: alpha =0: output pixel color is background.
else: output pixel color is a mix of both depending upon the value of alpha.

I is the alpha blended image.

For our Image mask , pixel intensity range is (0,255).We normalize the image intensity range by dividing each pixel by 255.0 to reduce the range to (0 to 1).

Note : Alpha mask will be a float 2D matrix, In python2 divide it by 255.0 instead of 255 to make the result a floating number.
If you divide it by 255 ,it may automatically convert it into integer,so for an alpha value of 0.5 (i.e 50 % transparency) will truncate to 0 (integer part). This will cause non smooth edges as shown below.   


Implementation in OpenCV and Python.

Let's go ahead and dive into some code.Create a new file, name it and insert the following source code.

__author__ = 'Shahrukh khan'
Transparent Image overlay(Alpha blending) with OpenCV and Python
import cv2
import numpy as np
# function to overlay a transparent image on background.
def transparentOverlay(src , overlay , pos=(0,0),scale = 1):
:param src: Input Color Background Image
:param overlay: transparent Image (BGRA)
:param pos: position where the image to be blit.
:param scale : scale factor of transparent image.
:return: Resultant Image
overlay = cv2.resize(overlay,(0,0),fx=scale,fy=scale)
h,w,_ = overlay.shape # Size of foreground
rows,cols,_ = src.shape # Size of background Image
y,x = pos[0],pos[1] # Position of foreground/overlay image
#loop over all pixels and apply the blending equation
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
if x+i >= rows or y+j >= cols:
alpha = float(overlay[i][j][3]/255.0) # read the alpha channel
src[x+i][y+j] = alpha*overlay[i][j][:3]+(1-alpha)*src[x+i][y+j]
return src
# read all images
bImg = cv2.imread("background.jpg")
# KeyPoint : Remember to use cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED flag to load the image with alpha channel
overlayImage = cv2.imread("foreground.png" , cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
logoImage = cv2.imread("logo.png",cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
# Overlay transparent images at desired postion(x,y) and Scale.
result = transparentOverlay(bImg,overlayImage,(300,0),0.7)
result = transparentOverlay(bImg,logoImage,(800,400),2)
#Display the result

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In this post,  I assume you are familiar enough with Python and OpenCV, so most of the code is self-explanatory. If you have any doubt or question, feel free to ask anything in the comment.



  1. Thanks for the great explanation and well-written code! This is very useful :)

  2. awesome but how would we implement a weight to decide how transparent the overlay is? Thank You!

    1. Alpha Channel constitute the weight of blending at each pixel location,
      If you want to add transparency also, you can multiply the alpha channel with a value in range [0,1].


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